Ok, so I talked to some friends and looked back through my book stash from pregnancy #1 and came up with Expecting Inside the Beltway’s top 10 Pregnancy books. (All but the first book are also available on Kindle.)
Local Pregnancy Resource Guide:
Humorous Intros to Pregnancy and Motherhood. (Lots of stuff your doctors and friends “forget” to tell you):
3. Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth (Jenny McCarthy)
The Old Pregnancy Standbys:
4. What to Expect When You're Expecting: Fourth Edition
(Heidi Murkoff)
5. Your Pregnancy Week by Week
(Judith Schuler)
A New Book on the Baby “Scene”; a hybrid of the two previous categories:
6. Hands Off My Belly: The Pregnant Woman's Survival Guide to Myths, Mothers, and Moods
(Kathryn Landherr, MD)
The “Holy Crap I Have a Baby Now What Do I Do?” Guide Books:
10. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
(Marc Weissbluth, MD)
One more for good measure (and because it’s free on Kindle and received some good reviews):
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